Celebrated annually the second week of February, Virginia dedicates itself to the celebration, spread, and recognition of kindness. As a part of Virginia’s Social Emotional Learning program Kindness Week is committed to spreading small acts of everyday kindness in our schools, communities, and lives. With Kindness Week having come and passed this year, let’s take a moment to dissect exactly what Kindness Week is and what it asks of us.
Kindness has been proven to have many social, emotional, and even mental benefits. A boost in serotonin provided from being kind not only promotes feelings of self-satisfaction and contentment, but has evidence towards improving quality of sleep, improving digestion, reduces nausea, promotes healing, and improves learning and memory. Externally, kindness enables us to create healthier communities, build relationships, foster empathy, and reduce bullying.
Participation methods for this year were the “Be The “I” In Kindness” selfie opportunity near the main entrance, writing kind notes to be put up in the counselor suite, and through themed Pride days. These themes included Meaningful Monday, Tell ‘Em Tuesday, Worthwhile Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Fabulous Friday, and Self-Care Saturday.
Kindness can be practiced daily in small, often unobtrusive ways. Try holding the door open for people behind you, donating to local shelters or charities, complimenting someone, or even a simple saying please and thank you could be enough to brighten someone’s day. Often kindness is an active choice, so let’s choose to be kinder every week, not just for ourselves, but for our school.